As we find ourselves knee deep in holiday feasts of plenty, I thought it might be useful to know what foods bring forth the best feelings. Yes, foods change the chemical structure in your brain, and therefore have an impact on your mood. It’s scientific! Research shows that nutrition or the lack thereof does alter…

I came across some research that suggests that whether you win the lottery or are paralyzed for life, you will return to your usual level of happiness after three to six month’s time.  It’s difficult to believe, isn’t it?  But according to this particular study, people’s levels of happiness are remarkably stable over the long-term.…

Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage. – Anais Nin Greetings Tushkateers! I hope this absolutely spectacular October morning finds you happy!  October might be my favorite month.  It’s no longer hot, nor is it cold. A simple sweater will do ya’. The leaves are turning unbelievably beautiful shades of orange, yellow and…

Are you ready to pump your self-love muscle?  Get it in shape, so that you are on auto-self love pilot?  Seriously!  Imagine what would it feel like if you loved yourself every moment of the day!  Not in a crazy over-the-top narcissistic way; just in a kind, compassionate manner. Now, there’s an idea worth exploring. …

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