If you would like to wake up energized, happy and thinner, then read Our Lady of Weight Loss's Top 10 Tips on How to Wake Up Happier and Thinner NOW!

A friend telephoned this morning and told me that Maya Angelou has been taken to Los Angeles Hospital. We, a group, went to hear Maya speak last year. All hardcore, diehard fans, we ingested every poetic and meaningful word that she uttered. And so, together, we are now praying that Maya gets well fast. Pray…

I know from first hand experience that depression can move someone toward food. (Yes, this ‘happy idiot’ has had bouts of depression.) And I know – again from first hand experience – that ‘eating for depression’ is counter-productive and counter-intuitive. Gaining weight only serves to intensity the depression and add to feelings of worthlessness. At…

Our Lady of Weight Loss presents the 10 Commandments of Permanent Fat Removal because it is her mission to make weight loss fun. Our Lady of Weight Loss hopes that you will smile, laugh and lighten up, particularly in these very serious times. She can't think of anything more delicious than a side-splitting belly laugh.…

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