The cyber-airwaves are humming this morning with “Is Miley Cyrus carrying Jonas Brothers, Nick’s love child?” rumors. True or not, it brings to the forefront an important topic, “pregnancy weight,” and presents an opportunity to remember what one needs to do to stay healthy during pregnancy. Healthy Reminders First of all, no matter what the…

Reconnecting with Your Motivation 101: Food for thought from Our Lady of Weight Loss, patron saint of permanent fat removal and Janice Taylor, Weight Loss Coach, Motivation doesn’t always come easy, particularly when it involves habits and addictions. (Yes, I do believe that food can be an addiction.) Some of us need a bit…

If cake is your BFF (best friend forever), if the call of Cheeto sends you into an orange-stained spin, if you start to drool at the mere mention of Cinnabon, and/or if you are mad at yourself for giving in and diving into a vat of chocolate, then pull up a chair and start clicking…

Our Lady of Weight Loss and I were thumbing through old recipes, looking for inspiration, when she remembered that I used to whip up huge batches of Gazpacho during my early weight loss days. Without a doubt, these recipes helped me to permanently remove over 50 pounds. Whether you are grilling this coming July 4th…

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