I just LOVE this commercial! It’s so 1959!!! Happy Birthday, Barbie.More about Barbie, Midge, Ken and Allan! Spread the word … NOT the icing!Janice———————————————————————————-Janice Taylor is a Life & Happiness Coach, specializing in weight loss, reinvention, transformation & happiness, author, seminar leader and 50-pound-BIG-Time-LOSER! Write Janice for an Introductory Coaching Session.Sign-Up for THE FILL UP…

Happy Birthday BARBIE! Dear Barbie, I miss you, Barbie. I really do, and I apologize for abruptly packing you and Ken up into your dollhouse and selling you to the kid down the street for movie and gasoline money. What can I say? Rather short-sided on my part. Well … never mind all that. I…

Our Lady of Weight Loss takes a happiness centered approach to weight loss. It is her mission to make weight loss fun … to make weight loss a joyful experience. Here follows ten of her top tips that she feels will up your energy, keep you focused and help you to happily melt fat. Ten…

Morning All, I am inspired by the emails that I am receiving from y’all telling me what you are giving up and/or adding to your lives during Lent (the 40-day liturgical season that begins on Ash Wednesday and concludes at the Great Vigil of Easter), thus, the above Our Lady of Lent! Some are giving…

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