Racelle Rosett, winner of the WGA award for thirtysomething, recipient of both the Moment Magazine-Karma Foundation Prize for Jewish short fiction and the Lilith Fiction Prize, author of the critically acclaimed book “Moving Waters,” breast cancer survivor and blogger shares her thoughts on dying, living and surviving breast cancer with Janice Taylor, Life & Wellness…

I know for sure that the great majority of us spend a good deal of time wondering, speculating, considering and even worrying about what other people think of us. AND … … Sometimes we use this preoccupation to over-indulge, to stuff ourselves silly.  As a result, we veer off the Road to Sveltesville – big…

It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere. ~ Agnes Repplier Greetings TUSHKATEERS!!!!  How are you on this fine September day?  Peachy keen?  Right as rain?  Happier than a hot frog on a cool summer’s night?  (I just made that up. 😉  I’m well, thanks! …

Our Lady of Weight Loss has been ‘after’ me, nagging at me, telling me to put together a mega-list of diet/weight loss tips for y’all. (I’m telling you … she is quite the boss.) Thing is, I wanted to put together a mega-list of diet tips that are ‘new’ to you.  Diet tips that make…

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