Because “You are What You Say (aloud and inside your mind),” and because positive self talk has the power to increase self-confidence, reduce stress and basically make your life infinitely more enjoyable, sending ripples of happiness throughout your world, I invite you to …. Get Hip to Your Self Talk.  You may or may not…

#Walk it off!  Studies from both the University of South Carolina and University of Tennessee showed that people who walk fewer than 5,000 steps per day were heavier than those who walked at least 9,000 steps; and those who upped their movement to 10,000 steps per day were linked to having a higher (good) HDL,…

We are all wonderful, beautiful wrecks.  That’s what connects us—that we’re all broken, all beautifully imperfect.  ~ Emilio Estevez Greetings, Salutations, Howdy and Hola Tushkateers, How are y’all doin’ this fabulous day?  Feeling accepting and happy with your SELF?   Based on emails that I received from Tushkateers across the land and a few conversations I’ve…

There was a man whose name was Graham: Sylvester Graham. He was a man on a mission; his main thrust was to curb lust. Graham (1794 –1851), the 17th child of the Reverend John Graham was – in 1826 – ordained a Presbyterian minister.  He became an early advocate of dietary reform in the United…

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