Anyone’s life truly lived consists of work, sunshine, exercise, soap, plenty of fresh air, and a happy contented spirit. ~ Lillie Langtry Good Day TUSHKATEERS!!! How are y’all doing?  I must say; I am super duper fine.  It’s summer and when I say it can’t get too hot for me, so far I mean it!…

New York City Mayor Bloomberg announced yesterday plans to ban the sale of sodas and other sugary beverages larger than 16 ounces in restaurants and entertainment venues. Upon hearing the news, Our Lady of Weight Loss thought it a good idea to take this opportunity to encourage consumers (like y’all) to not only reduce your…

A great many of us are chocolate lovers and have been known to indulge and sometimes even over-indulge. One modest square of chocolate leads to another, and while we fight the urge, in the end, we mysteriously find ourselves holding an empty 1-pound box. Remorse sets in followed by self-deprecating chatter. Now … Imagine savoring…

Here we go, straight into Week 3 of the  FEED YOUR SOUL: Change Your Weight series (from May through September).  I was initially inspired and motivated to do this because I am leading a workshop at Hollyhock, an absolutely phenomenal wellness center in Canada (just a stones throw away), and the course is entitled ……

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