"Happiness lies at the intersection between pleasure and meaning. Whether at work or at home, the goal is to engage in activities that are both personally significant and enjoyable." .... What activities are you engaged in that are both significant and enjoyable? That lie at the intersection between pleasure and meaning? Are you pursuing your…

Islam was born in a cradle of tribal turmoil, and the arrival of one God who vanquished hundreds of ancient Arabian gods changed the world forever. God reached down into the life of Muhammad, a settled husband and father, and spoke through him. Muhammad's divine and dangerous task was to convince his people to renounce…

You may say that electric curlers and gold teeth are apples and oranges. But regardless of these facts, this doctor is making a spot judgment - about both the woman and our healthcare system - based on anecdotal evidence. Would he diagnose a disease based on so few facts? I doubt it.

Taste and food particles linger in your mouth and can trigger the desire to eat. If you can't brush or floss when out, try rinsing with mouthwash!. (Keep a small bottle in your bag!). Get in there, clean those teen and neutralize your taste buds fast.

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