"HUGE," a new drama, starring Hairspray's Nikki Blonsky and Hayley Hasselhoff (yup, David Hasselhoff's daughter) premieres this Monday, June 28th on ABC Family, The story takes place at a Camp Shane, a weight loss camp for kids located in upstate New York, where larger-than-life teens sort through the challenges and of being an overweight teenager.

Before you uncover your grill and get your beef patties a burnin,' and your buns a toastin,' please do take a moment to ingest these hale & hearty and healthful tips from the master of permanent fat removal, Janice Taylor (50 pound big-time-loser).

Having traveled from one coast to the other, changing time zones and lugging my baggage (both physical and mental) with me all throughout the day, I found that upon arriving at my destination, my energy was waning. I was in need of a boost! My first instinct was to stop at the local shopping center…

Today, June 17th, is yet another 'bizarre' yet wonderful holiday! "Eat Your Vegetables Day" falls smack dab in the middle of National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month! A timely reminder and opportunity to add healthy portions of fruits and veggies to your healthy living plan. Recipes and video included!

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