Our Lady of Weight Loss and I were thumbing through old recipes, looking for inspiration, when she remembered that I used to whip up huge batches of Gazpacho during my early weight loss days. Without a doubt, these recipes helped me to permanently remove over 50 pounds. Whether you are grilling this coming July 4th…

It has been a week of loss. Michael Jackson died, as did Farrah Fawcett. And, on the Beliefnet.com home front, Holly Rossi, lost her fascinating grandmother, GaGa. Holly’s heartfelt and eloquent piece, posted in her blog Fresh Living, touched me on multiple levels. I love that she called her grandmother GaGa, and while GaGa wasn’t…

Would you prefer knowing the truth or living in ignorance? Assuming knowledge is power and ignorance is bliss, which would you prefer – power or bliss? Here follows ‘the truth about Sushi!’ from Janice Taylor, Beliefnet.com Sushi Lover. As far as Sushi goes, I was (was being the operative word here) truly happy living in…

Food, Inc. is a mind-blowing, stomach-twisting, eye-opening and ultimately heart-breaking film. See it – today! Filmmaker Robert Kenner ‘lifts the veil’ on our nation’s food industry. Our food supply is now controlled by a handful of for-big-profit corporations who seem to be far more concerned about making money than our health, the livelihood of the…

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