This morning’s hot topic (literally and figuratively)… “Alaska’s Mt. Redoubt volcano erupted late Monday and early Tuesday in “four large explosions,” sending an ash plume an estimated 50,000 feet into the air, the Alaska Volcano Observatory reported.” … brought to mind our inner volcanoes. You know, that piece of us that gets overly reactive when…

This week’s Our Lady of Weight Loss jigsaw puzzle was inspired by the Jewish proverb … “No one is as deaf as the man who will not listen.” For tips on how to listen … go to: Listen Up! For tips on self-hypnosis … go to: Affirmations! And to hear what a KITT Club member…

An affirmation is a form of auto-suggestion a.k.a. self-hypnosis, in which a statement is made about the future in the present tense, as if it had already happened in the past. Yes, that’s right. Repeat, please … An affirmation is a statement about the future, made in the present, as if it had already happened…

“No one is as deaf as the man who will not listen.” ~ Jewish Proverb Imagine what it would be like if we really listened to each other? You know, instead of half-listening; instead of ‘sort of’ paying attention while multi-tasking, or just plain zoning out, or – most commonly – anxiously awaiting for the…

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