The best ever Holiday Weight Loss Tips from Our Lady of Weight Loss, guaranteed to help you slim down while you laugh it up! AND – it’s OLofWL holiday guide.pdf. Print it and carry it with you to each and every party. Take it out and share it! Laugh it up! Slim down! Our Lady…

Recession or No Recession, You Still Gotta Eat! by Janice Taylor As the news of the recession hits hard and food prices continue to climb, some of us are worried that we may not be able to feed our families in a healthy manner. Our Lady of Weight Loss to the rescue! Before you head…

Want to eat your Thanksgiving leftovers and “get back on the wagon” at the same time? I realize that the day after is almost, if not more fun, than Thanksgiving Day itself! After all, you’ve been looking forward to that relaxed time when you can curl up with your big-fat-Turkey sandwich! Haven’t you? Goodness knows,…

Inspiration and motivation are BIG topics in the Land of Permanent Fat Removal. Aren’t they? People look to Our Lady of Weight Loss and me and ask, “How can I stay motivated?” And Our Lady of Weight Loss answers, “Hey, you brush your teeth everyday, don’t you? Well motivation is an every day event, too.”…

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