Have you ever noticed that some of the things that we think, we imagine, we hope will have a restorative and restful impact do not. Sometimes what we do, the activities we partake in support unconscious behavior vs. awareness, mindfulness and consciousness.  They pull us away from our core, our center and put us into…

Greetings Tushkateers,   How are y’all on this absolutely spectacular day?  I am peachy keen.  My daughter and her man have been visiting us, here in Tucson, for the past week.  They leave today.  (Sob, sob…don’t go…don’t leave mommy!!!)   And, Holy CowGirl, it has been a whirlwind of activity, including but not limited to our…

On this St. Valentine’s Day, I gathered what I thought to be a most excellent grouping of quotes about love that were on the more practical than mushy side.   After all, in true love there is disagreement, miscommunication, differences, kisses, as well as gravitational pull! Please do read on, ingest, share with those you love,…

Given the winter storms that are circling about including but not limited to the Georgia freeze, as well as the snow in the northeast; these spring into fat-burning action tips may seem a bit premature.  But on the other hand, maybe it’s the perfect time to start thinking about the future.  The near future.  The…

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