This week’s Get Jiggy Weight Loss JigSaw Puzzle, entitled: “Goddess,” is inspired by a trip to “Cosanti,” the gallery and studio of Italian-American architect Paolo Soleri, which is located in Paradise Valley, Arizona.  The space is overflowing with experimental earth-formed concrete structures, as well as sculptural wind-bells.  Quite the vision! Quite the sound! Here, a…

Essentially, when one says that they want to reinvent themselves, they are saying that there is something central to whom they are or what they do that they want to change.  While this process is relatively simple, it’s not easy.  That’s right; simple but not easy. It’s simple to define and outline what changes you’d…

For many #harmony is thought of as a tuneful sound, a combination of musical notes in a chord, a pleasing arrangement of parts; living in accord with others; an internal calm.  Here, 9 #harmony quotes to help you to define and then live in harmony, an exquisite place to be sure! “You are only afraid…

Dear Our Lady of Weight Loss,   I just turned 60.  After ten years of lifting weights and lots of walking, I let myself “go,” as in I am out of shape.  And, sadly, the weight that I worked so hard to remove is finding its way back. I tried to get back into the exercise…

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