This week’s jig-saw weight loss art was inspired by Kirstie Alley’s appearance on Oprah (Thursday, April 30). I empathize with both Kirstie and Oprah. I’ve lost ‘it’ and found ‘it’ more than once. Here’s a link to my this week’s post about the show: Kirstie Alley & Oprah: Stuck In a Fat Suit? In the…

Food for thought … Now, just imagine … What IF weight loss were no longer an issue? What WOULD you do with all that time and energy? How often do you think about your weight? How often do you think about food? How important is this issue to you, on a scale from 1 to…

Dramatically Increase Your Ability to Survive Swine Flu Avoid airplanes, subways, confined spaces and BOOST YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM!!! Imagine that your immune system is your own personal army. Your troops guard against attacks from ‘alien’ forces, and they defend against invaders. If we ignore, abandon or mistreat this system, it weakens. However, when we take…

How Can I Lose Weight???!!? I received an email from a reader enquiring, “Can you give me some pointers on weight loss?” To which I replied, “might you please be more specific?” After all, I could write volumes on the topic, from top to bottom and bottom to top, which I have (two fabulous books…

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