This week’s GET JIGGY Weight Loss JigSaw Puzzle, entitled Puppy Love, features the puppy (duh!)  Is there anything cuter?  (I can hear the kitten people starting to meow!) It was inspired by “Buddy,” a puppy who recently adopted my friends Betsy and Bob. Remember:  Clicking burns calories and keeps both your hands and mind out…

You have been embedding negative and/or positive self talk patterns into the deepest parts of your mind since early childhood.  Those self-talk patterns have take hold and have deeply affected you, so much so that you are what you say! Because you are what you say, and because positive self talk has the power to…

Greetings Tushkateers … and a very Happy Valentine’s Day to YOU! As I am sure you are well aware, today is Valentine’s Day.  How exciting for both Our Lady of Weight Loss and me to celebrate the day with you!   We send you ‘cutie pies’ platters full of hugs, kisses and love, love, love!…

This week’s Get Jiggy Weight Loss JigSaw Puzzle, entitled:  Angels of Love is Our Lady of Weight Loss‘s Valentine to YOU! As you click through “Angels of Love,” meditate on loving-kindness, and chew on this: Love is whole and complete; it is one piece.  How we love any one thing is how we love everything. …

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