Anyone out there remember the “Manwich?”  In 1969, Hunt’s introduced its Manwich Sloppy Joe Sauce and it revolutionized the Sloppy Joe.  It sure was a staple in our kitchen.  My mother, the gourmet, used to break it out on special occasions.   No disrespect meant, Mom.  🙂 Here’s my updated vegetarian version!  A healthy Sloppy…

The thing about life is that life has a life of its own, and you just never know when ‘life’s life’ is going to show up and where ‘it’ is going to take you.   For the most part the unexpected twists n’ turns are a mere blip in your day, barely noticeable. For example:  You…

Greetings Tushkateers!!!  How are you on this fabulous morning (afternoon or evening, depending on your time zone)? I’m just ‘dandy’ – ‘peachy keen’ – maybe even ‘groovy.’ It’s not my style to toss out an empty “how are you?”  I really do want to know … and I welcome the truth. I was just reading…

Today’s Get Jiggy Weight Loss JigSaw Puzzle is inspired by the saying “she’s got a screw loose.” Have you ever wondered about the origin of the phrase she’s got a “screw loose?” The phrase, which means “something is wrong with the person” dates back to the 1780s, when the industrial revolution made mass production of…

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