Having a MELTDOWN? Feeling moody? Irritable? Uptight? Having difficulty making decisions? Can’t relax? Before you head to the fridge, watch this video!!! Slim Down While You Laugh It Up!!!   Spread the word … NOT the icing, Janice Taylor wise * fun * utterly useful ____________________________________________ For the best in wellness and weight loss wisdom,…

In honor of National Prayer Day, Our Lady of Weight Loss asked me to share this prayer from her book,   “Our Lady of Weight Loss: Miraculous and Motivational Musings from the Patron Saint of Permanent Fat Removal.”         Dear Our Lady of the Hair Trigger … May that tired old tape…

I know that you are all looking for the magic bullet; a pill that will kill your appetite, cravings and send you on the fast track to Sveltesville. BUTT ... if it's too good to be true, it IS too good to be true. Read how this Tushkateer lost 57 pounds with the help of…

It is sweltering hot - dangerously hot - in many areas of the States. Right here, on my block, it hit an all time high yesterday of 103 degrees! I 'ran' whatever errands I needed to 'run' at a crawl with a bottle of ice water in one hand and a 'spritzer' (a.k.a. spray bottle…

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