If you want to whip up something to impress your overnight guests (or, if you want to whip up something to impress yourself), try this marvelously delish dish!  Guaranteed to keep you sated and smiling for hours to come! Huevos Rancheros Breakfast Nachos Ingredients: 1 cup baked tortilla chips 1/4 teaspoon cumin seeds 1/4 teaspoon…

Do you live in abundance? Or, do you have a scarcity mentality? Read through these 12 quotes, ingest them on a cellular level and use them to move away from negativity, away from fear, toward love, gratitude and possibility. Sometimes, it’s that simple!  Here’s to Happy Abundance! 12 quotes to Fuel #Abundance. Weed. We plant…

Sometime last winter, my strategically placed Feng Shui water fountain went on the fritz. It was in need of a quick fix! Instead of the sound and motion of gurgling water activating positive chi energy, bringing in prosperity and good luck, the fountain furiously spurted and spit water on my desktop. Every once in awhile,…

Today, on this very special autumnal Kick Tush Tuesday, I’d like to share a story with you!  Not the usual blog post that you might expect from me.  I’m trying something new (shaking it up!).  I hope you like it.  And if not, that’s okay, too!  I’m happy to explore and not (too) afraid to…

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