Hello All!  The Goddess of Cooking Healthy and Warm Dishes (cousin to Our Lady of Weight Loss) smacked me upside my head and said, “Hey, get thy slow cooker out of the closet and get busy. Winter is the perfect time to cook up a Chick Pea Curry.  Especially on these snappy cold days!”  And…

Dear OLofWL (a.k.a. Janice), Yesterday was truly an awful day, and I realized that if I want to permanently lose weight, then I must follow the Our Lady of Weight Loss‘s “bite it/write it” rule. In other words, “If I bite it, I must write it.” I want you to know that I am upset…

Click Yourself Thin this holiday season with  Our Lady of Weight Loss’s Happy and Delicious Weight Loss JigSaw Puzzles!  She created a zillion of them (slight exaggeration) for you to click through, so that you can keep your hands and mind away from the holiday buffet table! Click Yourself Thin JigSaw Puzzle:  “Happy and Delicious”…

Holidays are essentially just like any other day. They are filled with their ups, downs, glitches and unexpected happenings.  Whatever your expectations, I invite you to lower them now!!! Here, 10 Lower Your EXPECTATIONS Quotes! #LowerYourExpectations “When you stop expecting people to be perfect, you can like them for who they are.” ~ Donald Miller…

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