Continuing with this week’s wildly popular “Kick Tush Tuesday: Decluttering with the Queen of Knives…Caution. Sharp Knives Ahead,” here follows 10 clutter quotes that mysteriously and magically will help you to change your mental map, experience your ‘stuff’ in a new way, and move you to clear your space!  Happy tossing!!! 10 Clutter Quotes  Clutter…

How will YOU Show UP Today?  A weighty Anti-Gravity Coaching question, indeed! People want to know, “What’s your secret to success? How did you manage to permanently remove (a.k.a. lose) over 50 pounds of excess weight? What do you eat?”  Truthfully, while food is a consideration, the secret to my successful weight loss plan is…

  Hola Tushkateers,  Que tal?  Que pasa?  Whassup?  How’s it goin’? All A-Okay here.  If you have been reading my almost daily posts on or the KITT Club/FB, you may have heard me speak about my declutter project.  Yes, I am in the midst of the biggest declutter campaign ever, in the history of…

Gravity, as you surely remember, is the attractive force between objects.  The number of the scales of injustice measures that force.  The higher the number, the more the very attractive force between you and Earth. Gravity holds you to planet Earth. As you weigh less, you reduce its effects.  You are free to fly, to…

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