Dearest Tushkateers,  I find myself, today, sitting under gray. No floating clouds, no variations in hue, nor a hint of sunlight; 360 degrees of light gray.  While I appreciate the color gray, in all its glory, and say to myself, “this is a simple sky to paint or photograph; use this gray as your inspiration…

Dearest Tushkateers (members of the KITT Club) and Devotees of Our Lady of Weight Loss,  How are you on this amazingly possibility filled, WeightLess Monday?   Ready to experience the full weight of WeightLessNess? As you click through this week’s Get Jiggy Weight Loss JigSaw Puzzle, entitled:  Experience WeightLessNess:  Slow Down Beloved Crazy One, contemplate how experiencing…

Gratitude is being able to deeply appreciate all that one has without holding onto it for dear life.   I say “Thank you,” and  I let it go. OMG Tushkateers (members of the Kick in the Tush Club) and Devotees of Our Lady of WeightLessNess (a.k.a. Our Lady of Weight Loss),  Guess what!  I am in…

Tushkateers, Seriously, how selfish are you?  Because…People tell me that they just don’t have time to take care of themselves; they say that there’s no time to do things that they need to do for themselves to be fully happy and healthy.  They tell me that if they were to take care of themselves first…

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