Did you know that your body is hereditarily designed to shift into fight or flight mode whenever you feel threatened?   In the old days (way old days), we felt frightened when the tiger eyed us as his next meal.  And that type of fear lasted until we were in the clear, at which time, we…

As today is #KickTush Tuesday, I’d like to give you a Kick in the Tush!  One that changes your internal landscape, and I don’t mean “move your stomach to a new location,” although that is an interesting idea. Recently Our Lady of Weight Loss and Tushkateer Tess ‘chewed the fat’ and from that conversation, from…

This past week, while walking through a real bookstore (vs. chair or online happening), I picked up a copy of “The Courage to Create” by Rollo May, a brilliant exploration of creativity.  The first chapter speaks to the different types of courage:  physical courage, moral courage, social courage and creative courage. The word—courage—derived from the…

When was the last time that you were so engrossed in an activity or passionately at play that you forgot to eat? Maybe, say – when you were 10? Playing with your Ken and Barbie dolls? If you find that you are all too often foraging for food, searching for snacks, or rummaging for rations,…

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