According to the Dalai Lama, “In the final analysis, the hope of every person is peace of mind.” As you click through this week’s Get Jiggy Weight Loss JigSaw Puzzle, send healing vibes to all you know, wishing them peace of mind.  Link to Puzzle: Play JigSaw – Peace of Mind. Link to e-PostCard: send…

Today, dear Tushkateers, devotees of Our Lady of Weight Loss and those who have serendipitously landed on this page, is a holiday: Bathtub Party Day! In honor of this auspicious holiday and in keeping with our #OneWord Thursday tradition, today we will #visualize while celebrating Bathtub Party Day! Back in the day (nearing a baker’s…

From the Our Lady of Weight Loss archives…The perfect post and video that can put you back on track after the Thanksgiving holiday weekend! Enjoy!!! Just yesterday, I was talking to “Mary” (yes, I work with my beloved clients on the weekends; whatever works best for you–works best for me) who said, “I had a…

Happy Thanksgiving, Happy Chanukah, Happy Thanksgiviukkah one and all!!!  As Thanksgiving is about giving thanks and expressing gratitude, I thought I’d reprint a crowd favorite on the benefits of gratitude! Read, ingest, and think gratitude! THE HAPPY, HEALTHY and SLIMMING BENEFITS OF GRATITUDE It is our habit, our way of being, to quickly get accustomed…

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