This article, written by Beliefnet blogger Janice Taylor is featured in both The Huffington Post and USA Today! Read on and be sure to comment! People say that we only get ‘what we can handle,’ that there are ‘lessons to be learned,’ and some simply say that God works in mysterious ways. I’m not so…

This week’s jigsaw puzzle was inspired by and is for those who grapple with the numbers of the scale. Do NOT let the scales of injustice put you into a tail spin! People listen up, the number of the scale is NOT you! You are beyond measure!!! Want to be free of the numbers: Say…

Did you know that music activates the same feel good center of your brain that food does? It’s true! Listen to music: Lose weight. (Wow, that was easy!) And … there’s more . . . Fight Off the Common Cold: Listening to music lowers the stress hormone cortisol, boosts the feel-good endorphins and fortifies the…

No one is an island, unto themselves. People belong to wider systems, and it’s useful to think through, to know how a change will affect those systems. As you let go of your excess weight, become slim, fit and healthy, it may have an affect on your family, your friends, your job. And so I…

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