After reading several accounts of the now infamous Alec Baldwin story: “Alec gets booted off an American Airlines plane parked at gate due to his ‘Words with Friend’ addiction and refusal to turn off his electronic device.” Followed by his tweet to his 600,000 + twitter followers: “Let’s play a game called Mass Unfollowing. I…

Today, here, right NOW!!!  Our Lady of Weight Loss, the patron saint of permanent fat removal wants to share with you The Best Weight Loss Affirmation EVER! After speaking to Tushkateers* and Our Lady of Weight Loss fans across the land, those who have ‘lost’ and then ‘found’ the excess pounds more often than they’ve…

This week’s Get Jiggy Weight Loss JigSaw Puzzle is loosely inspired by the Queen of Pentacles (Tarot). I was reading about the Queen of Pentacles and the words that were used to described her, including but not limited to “festive, stylish, sensual, intuitive and graceful” resonated. What a lovely way ‘to be’ this holiday season.…

Boo! Tushkateers, Are you ready for the pre-Halloween edition of the Kick in the Tush Club e-letter?   Are you ready to see how many calories are in candy corn? We are but a few days away from Halloween.  Are you ready?  And I don’t mean do you have your Halloween costumes … And I don’t…

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