When people ask me how I permanently removed over 50 pounds (11 years ago – my oh my, how time flies), I tell them that first and foremost I changed my mind (as Albert Einstein says, “You cannot solve a problem with the same mind that created it.”) and I feed my soul (took on…

Want to help your man lower his risk of prostate cancer?  Then, according to the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, you best feed him tomatoes!  Ripe, juicy, red tomatoes! From the Our Lady of Weight Loss kitchens here follows a Tomato Relish recipe that is a super duper pow complement to grilled seafood, chicken,…

Are you finding the “Feed Your Soul Project” as fulfilling as I am?  Sharing 200 Ways to Feed Your Soul (10 new ways each week) is soulfully challenging.  Happily, my unconscious mind has joined in the effort and is searching day and night all on its own. For example:  When I was sitting outside last…

This week’s GET JIGGY Weight LOSS JigSaw Puzzle, entitled “ENRICHED? That’s RICH” is inspired by “enriched white flour!” As it happened, I was reading, once again, about the ills of enriched, processed foods; which as it turns out can be pretty, pretty bad, so I thought what better way to share the information than in…

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