Two for the price of one!  Your Sweet Surrender Guide to Halloween and some ideas for No Sugar Halloween Treats! Tushkateer Judy R. sent me a few photos of the Trick or Treat bag that she created along with the fun, colorful and magnificent Halloween bracelets that she crocheted to put in the bags! All…

As Halloween (which is—by the way—but a few days away) signifies for the majority of us the beginning of the holiday season, I thought it appropriate to talk about the mouth. Yes, the mouth! Your mouth, my mouth, the mouth that is in actuality the primary point of entry into your sacred body. When you…

This week’s Get Jiggy Weight Loss JigSaw Puzzle is inspired by the mysterious, dark and dangerous bat; the perfect Halloween symbol. As you click through this week’s jigsaw puzzle–Dark, Dangerous, Spooktacular Bats–think spooky, scary, anti-sugar thoughts! And then send Dark, Dangerous BATS e-card to a friend! For more Halloween happiness,  join Our Lady of Weight…

This week I had two rich, fully satisfying and illuminating client conversations about the Inner Child. My inner-child, their inner-child, your inner-child is the divine child that lives within.  She reflects our true self. She is pure; she is beautiful. I suspect your inner-child would like your attention, and she’d like to be set free.…

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