This week’s jigsaw weight loss art was inspired by Helen Phillips’ Biggest Loser Win. Question: Helen Phillips’ has lost it. Will she find it, again? Comment below. For more celebrity weight loss: Biggest Loser Winner: Helen Phillips’ big win? Kirstie Alley: Stuck in a fat suit? Angelina Jolie vs. Susan Boyle: What is beauty? Our…

It takes a lot of energy for a person to stay stuck, to keep a problem firmly alive and in place. How do you stop yourself from permanently losing weight? People say to me, “No matter what I do, I can’t lose weight.” Sound like something you might say? If yes, please consider the question…

I don’t mean to be a buzz-kill ... and I do offer my heartfelt weighty congratulations to Helen Phillips for losing 54.47% of her initial weight (now weighing in at 117 pounds), and for gaining $250,000 and a new attitude. Still when the 48 year old Helen exclaimed, “140 pounds [lost]! Yes! Yes!” I couldn’t…

This week’s jigsaw puzzle was inspired by and is for those who grapple with the numbers of the scale. Do NOT let the scales of injustice put you into a tail spin! People listen up, the number of the scale is NOT you! You are beyond measure!!! Want to be free of the numbers: Say…

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