This week’s Our Lady of Weight Loss ART was inspired by the poem ‘Yesterday’ written by Cody Walker. Walker’s book “Shuffle and Breakdown“, combines a pinch of Walt Whitman with a dash of Richard Pryor. Readers can expect to be pulled in many wonderful directions. Here is a taste … Yesterday by Cody Walker I…

I’ve not been a fan of Star Jones, but I am now.I tuned into Oprah yesterday: “Fat to Thin (and possibly back again) In the Public Eye” (my title; not Oprah’s), which featured Valerie Bertinelli, Marie Osmond and Star Jones. Mercifully, Valerie’s and Marie’s segments were relatively short, affording them enough time to pump out…

I am uncharacteristically in a ‘bad’ mood. I woke up at 3:45 a.m. with a banger of a headache; my husband has the flu and is coughing up a storm (I sure hope I don’t catch it), and when I made my sacred morning cup of coffee and sat down at the dining room table…

Size Matters! In a survey commissioned by the American Institute for Cancer Research, 78% of respondents said that eating certain types of food while avoiding others was more important to their weight loss efforts than eating less food. Wrong! By all means, make healthy choices, but … effective weight loss plans place equal importance on…

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