Recession Proof Your Mind by Janice Taylor, Life & Wellness Coach, Cert. Hypnotist, Author, Columnist, Seminar Leader and 50-Pound Big-Time-Loser! (write Janice for FREE LIFE Consult!) This week’s GET JIGGY Sundae JigSaw Puzzle was inspired by the recession! (Funny, no? To be inspired by all the doom and gloom talk!) It occurred to me that…

In a world that measures everything by the numbers … from Janice Taylor, Life & Wellness Coach, Certified Hypnotist, Author, Columnist, Seminar Leader and 50-Pound Big-Time-Loser. Okay … my personal … WEIGHTY CONFESSION! When I was losing weight (vs. being ‘on’ maintenance a.k.a. the mini-see-saw), I was obsessed with the scale and my measurements. If…

Halloween Candy: here, there and everywhere … Already! by Janice Taylor, Life & Wellness Coach, Certified Hypnotist, Author, Columnist, Seminar Leader and 50-pound Big-Time-Loser! (write Janice for a free life consult) Oh … My Goodness Gracious Me!!!! I went to CVS Drug Store yesterday (one of those mega-drug-stores that sell underwear, frozen food and drugs…

Be Brave: Boost Self-Love by Janice Taylor, Life & Wellness Coach, Cert. Hypnotist, Author, syndicated columnist, seminar leader & 50-pound big-time-loser. (Write Janice for free life consult.)When I was a kid, I proudly showed my grandma my spelling test … “Look, Grandma!!! I got 100% on my spelling test. I’m smart.” To which she replied,…

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