Did you know that crying is an effective way to cleanse the soul; a way to wash out the contained, confined emotions; both happy and sad, joyful and disappointing that sometimes lodge themselves deep within causing fatigue or pain, and sometimes dis-ease? Crying helps us to feel better, whether our challenges and problems persist or…

Do you think that your need to be fixed?  Because, I am here to tell you that there is nothing wrong with you!  That’s right.  There. Is. Nothing. Wrong. With. You.  Nothing needs to be ‘fixed.‘  Nothing! You simply need to understand what your ‘dysfunctions’ are and honor them.  Go with them!  (Huh? What?  If…

Because today is Friday the 13th, a day that is associated with bad luck, I thought it a good idea to take a look at luck!  Most especially, how to avoid bad luck, ward off evil spirits, and finally, how to create good luck.  Read on and click through the Beliefnet special gallery piece as…

Hey there, Tushkateers* (as well as devotees of Our Lady of Weight Loss) across the land who are under undo stress (who isn’t?), whose cortisol levels are on the rise (who’s levels aren’t?); whose weigh-in number causes them to gasp (audible gasp here)!   I thought today might be as good a day as any to…

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