If I had a nickle every time someone told me that they weren’t losing weight fast enough, or that they weren’t manifesting their dreams soon enough, or they weren’t being who they are not yet but want to be today not tomorrow, I’d have a million nickles, no exaggeration.  (Maybe, with inflation ‘n all, I…

JUDGING Machines:  Me (for sure) and YOU, too??? I suspect that when you pay attention to your thoughts and note each and every time you judge something, judge anything (from … the coffee is good – to- oh no, it’s gray outside – to- I ate too much), you will find that there’s a whole…

Are you #Puzzled?  Did you step onto the Scales of Injustice this morning? And…did you find the number on said scale puzzling? As you click through this week’s Get Jiggy Weight Loss JigSaw Puzzle, “The Javelina Herald,” consider how the scale reflected as it did (in either direction, up or down) and what behaviors you…

When was the last time that you were so engrossed in an activity or passionately at play that you forgot to eat? Maybe, say – when you were 10? Playing with your Ken and Barbie dolls? If you find that you are all too often foraging for food, searching for snacks, or rummaging for rations,…

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