Happy Global Warming??? Tushkateers!!!  I am racked with guilt, Tushkateers!  HELP!  Here we are – closing in on mid-January – and the temperatures are still (praise be) unseasonably warm, and intellectually I know that this can not be a good thing, but – at the same time – I can’t wipe the smile off my…

Greetings!  There was a computer glitch in the air yesterday, so I wasn’t able to post Our Lady of Weight Loss’s weekly Get Jiggy Weight Loss JigSaw Puzzle that y’all love so much! A day late, but seriously – just as colorful!  Which was the inspiration – COLOR!  Now that winter has settled in and…

While you are roasting vegetables and eagerly awaiting your onions and carrots to soften, log onto Beliefnet and take the Politic-OMatic Quiz.  An interesting buffet of political questions are presented to you that assess your beliefs and values in order to find out where you – the quiz-taker – fall on the political party spectrum.…

I’ve been thinking.  Can you smell the wood burning?  (Something my father used to say.)   Yes, I’ve been thinking about resolutions and why it is that so many people start out on fire but ultimately  fail to reach their goals. Why is it that enthusiasm and motivation tend to wax and wane right out the…

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