Mâche?  What’s Mâche???    Mâche is a European salad green that grows in small, rosette-shaped bunches. It has dark green leaves on short stems, and it enjoys a distinct sweet taste.  Or rather you will, when you whip up this salad. Shaved Zucchini and Mâche Salad with Lemon and Parmesan (from: Healthy Eating During Pregnancy –…

Stressed out and hungry?  When we feel threatened or stressed, our neuroendocrine system kicks into high gear and releases a series of hormones. One of these is Cortisol, which gives us the biochemical strength we need to fight or flee our stressors. Back in evolutionary times, this served us well. We needed to replenish our…

Once upon a time in the not too distant past, there was a ‘diet’ ice cream that was being sold in New York City.  It was only 90 calories per serving and boy-oh-boy was it delicious! People loved it, and because it was so low in calories, they made it a part of their day. …

If the quote fits, wear it!!!  This morning, when I stumbled upon the quote “America’s number one energy crisis is Monday morning,” I just had to laugh.   I’m having a bit of an energy crisis, myself. I spent the weekend at Omega Institute for Holistic Studies in Rhinebeck, NY teaching my workshop, “Feed Your Soul,…

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