It takes a lot of energy for a person to stay stuck, to keep a problem firmly alive and in place. How do you stop yourself from permanently losing weight? People say, “No matter what I do, I can’t lose weight.”  Sound like something you might say? If yes, please chew on this question! How…

LUNAR NEWS:  The longest and darkest total lunar eclipse of the CENTURY will occur tomorrow! Specifically at 11:29 PM tomorrow night (June 15). A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth, while orbiting around the Sun, comes between the Moon and the Sun, in such a way that the Moon is hidden by the shadow cast…

While scripting a hypno-meditation with the intent of bringing awareness and relaxation to the body (which I plan to record and share at my “Feed Your Soul” workshop at Omega Institute for Holistic Studies), I realized that we all know where our forehead is … our eyes, nose, ears, belly, hips, legs and feet, but…

Today’s Sunday Weight Loss JigSaw Puzzle is inspired by my new 6-week e-summer CURE entitled “The Summer of Miracle Whips (and NO! I’m not talking about mayonnaise),” that is sure to – renew your spirit end negative self-talk end emotional eating create healthy habits strengthen your commitment to yourself stay motivated and inspired shift your…

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