Did you know that when we feel threatened or stressed, our neuroendocrine system kicks into high gear and releases a series of hormones?   One of these is Cortisol, which gives us the biochemical strength we need to fight or flee our stressors. Back in evolutionary times, this served us well. We needed to replenish our…

Every great thing we set out to do requires courage.   As we endeavor to step out of our comfort zone, make an effort to change, take a step toward our dreams, we activate both our mind and spirit to draw upon our inner well of boldness. We think of courage as a daring act of…

This week’s Get Jiggy Sunday Weight Loss Puzzle is inspired by the Gambel Quail – one of Tucson’s finest! Gregarious, jaunty, plumed topknot, weighing in at a mere 5.7 ounces – the Gambel Quail is ever present. The mommy and her babies sprightly in manner, walk about with a jaunty step. Let’s walk with them!!!…

Have you heard?  Rapture is upon us. According to Family Radio’s Reverend Harold Camping, the second coming of Jesus Christ is scheduled for May 21, 2011.  Camping tells us that on that date, at 6 p.m. exactly, a massive earthquake will hit Fiji and New Zealand.  And thus “the end” begins.  Only “true believers” will…

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