As promised in my yesterday’s blog post entitled: How the Angel of Defeatism Inspired, which was essentially about “Never Giving Up,” here are 9 quotes to help you to move forward, get on with it, pick up where you left off and most especially to “Never Give Up.” Never, never, never give up.  ~ Winston…

Today’s Get Jiggy Weight Loss JigSaw Puzzle, A Year of Miracles, was inspired by an amazing quote from Pablo Picasso! “Everything is a miracle.  It is a miracle that one does not dissolve in one’s bath like a lump of sugar.” ~ Pablo Picasso I vote, as does Our Lady of Weight Loss, the patron…

What’s your #story?  Your “I’m Fat” story?  Your “I just can’t lose it” story? My story starts when I was born–born fat.  I was the only baby in the hospital nursery to gain weight.  Babies generally speaking lose their first week on the planet, but not me!  An ominous sign.  And so goes my story.…

Since human life began, there has never been anyone like you, nor – going forward – will there ever be anyone else like you.  It is a mystery that in spite of one’s special talents so many people stay stuck in limiting beliefs. Being YOU trumps the fear that traps you into conforming, into being…

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