Is your being Being authentically #you? Have #you tapped into the unconventional, unusual, perhaps outlandish #you; the genuine, bona fide #you? Here, Janice Taylor, your Life & Wellness Coach, Weight Loss Expert, 50 pound big-time winner (loser), and Our Lady of Weight Loss, the patron saint of permanent fat removal, share 10 quotes about and…

Mysterious and magical things happen when we open our hearts and minds; when we see life “as it is;” as it truly is, without judgment, without surrender or resignation, without running away from, without story. Let go of the fight.  Simply be the observer of what is. Recognize, harmonize, be in accord, fall together, happen…

As a Life Coach and Weight Loss Success Coach, I see, hear and feel people judging themselves and others consistently, continually, constantly, relentlessly in negative, unfair and harmful ways.  #Judgment, Oy! Take heed:  If you want to permanently let go of, rid thyself of your excess weight, lose weight, slim down (call it whatever you…

Our Lady of Weight Loss, she who shines a bright #light on us as we go “Into the Lite,” and I were discussing “light;” the light within specifically, as well as how to gain access to this light, especially when in the dark. Together we gathered these 11 quotes, which we hope will help you…

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