Being happy takes courage. It can feel scary to imagine good things, to think happy thoughts. I suspect that there have been times in our lives that feeling fantastic, excited and happy to our core was quickly followed by fear. Trepidation washes over you and you think, “If things are good, then bad can’t be…

When people come to me; when people work with me to manifest a better tomorrow, to release their false fears, to tune into their distinct song, to let their façade fall and fade away, to allow their authentic selves to surface and shine, we begin with a vision. We begin with a vision of what…

Did you know that crying is an effective way to cleanse the soul; a way to wash out the contained, confined emotions; both happy and sad, joyful and disappointing that sometimes lodge themselves deep within causing fatigue or pain, and sometimes dis-ease? Crying helps us to feel better, whether our challenges and problems persist or…

Do you think that your need to be fixed?  Because, I am here to tell you that there is nothing wrong with you!  That’s right.  There. Is. Nothing. Wrong. With. You.  Nothing needs to be ‘fixed.‘  Nothing! You simply need to understand what your ‘dysfunctions’ are and honor them.  Go with them!  (Huh? What?  If…

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