If I had a nickle every time someone told me that they weren’t losing weight fast enough, or that they weren’t manifesting their dreams soon enough, or they weren’t being who they are not yet but want to be today not tomorrow, I’d have a million nickles, no exaggeration.  (Maybe, with inflation ‘n all, I…

JUDGING Machines:  Me (for sure) and YOU, too??? I suspect that when you pay attention to your thoughts and note each and every time you judge something, judge anything (from … the coffee is good – to- oh no, it’s gray outside – to- I ate too much), you will find that there’s a whole…

This past week, while walking through a real bookstore (vs. chair or online happening), I picked up a copy of “The Courage to Create” by Rollo May, a brilliant exploration of creativity.  The first chapter speaks to the different types of courage:  physical courage, moral courage, social courage and creative courage. The word—courage—derived from the…

Learning to be content with where you are, what you are doing, what you have, who you are with and who you are is no easy task.  Yet, it is a task worth doing; a task that can create tremendous change. Because, when you accept who you are, when you stop criticizing yourself, when you…

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