This morning, one of my star clients (you’re all stars) confessed that she was having a difficult time keeping her focus, determination, commitment and motivation up front and central to her day.    Who amongst us hasn’t felt that way from time to time? With that in mind, I’d like to offer up a quote from…

Yesterday, while flying 35,000 feet high in the sky, from the west coast to the east coast, I was afforded five quiet hours to spend productively, and so I pondered the meaning of life. Is there life elsewhere in this universe?  Do we live in a multi-verse?  Do we have an individual purpose; a collective…

Today, Our Lady of Weight Loss offers a tasty tidbit of weight loss levity. “Thunder Pants,” confesses her ‘weighty sins’ and receives forgiveness. What’s your dietary sin? Lighten your load here! Dear Our Lady of Weight Loss ~ Forgive me for I have sinned. I fear that I have sunken down to a new all-time…

This week’s collection of curious quotes to chew on, “8  Moment of Zen Cowgirl Style Quotes” is inspired by the Tucson Rodeo Parade.  Yes, folks, this morning, bright n’ early—at 6:45 a.m.—we headed downtown to South Tucson to watch the parade, which is interestingly enough, the largest non-motorized parade in the country.  No cars, no…

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