“I wasn’t raised Catholic; I just really like the image of a neutral and benign Mary floating around somewhere, being nice to people.” ~ Moby *** After I put the finishing touches on my artwork entitled, “Floating Mary,” I thought, “Wouldn’t it be great to have a meaningful quote, one that opens the heart floating,…

I received an email from a member of the Kick in the Tush Club, who greatly suffers when at social functions. Parties and gatherings bring forth extreme feelings of discomfort. In order to feel better, she eats. And sometimes she eats some more. I thought I would share her letter here, because I know she’s…

Dearest Tushkateers,  From the bottom of our most GRATEFUL HEARTS, both Our Lady of Weight Loss and I wish you a very MERRY and extraordinarily HAPPY Holiday. We send you Platters Full of LOVE, JOY, POSITIVITY, Full-on ENERGY. We encourage you to DREAM as IMAGINATION is a necessary ingredient in living. And remember to STAND…

My email inbox overflows with links to articles and course offerings; variations on a theme: “New Year: New You.”   And I wonder, “A new and improved me? Again? What’s wrong with the old me?  Am I not…Thin enough?  Active enough?  Smart enough?  Good enough?” The answer:  It’s not about becoming good enough.  I’m good enough! …

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