People say that they simply do not have time to take care of themselves; they have no time to do the things that they need to do to be create happy and healthy lives. They tell me that they can’t take a vacation, even if they leave their kids with the kids’ grandparents.  They tell…

As promised in my yesterday’s blog post entitled: How the Angel of Defeatism Inspired, which was essentially about “Never Giving Up,” here are 9 quotes to help you to move forward, get on with it, pick up where you left off and most especially to “Never Give Up.” Never, never, never give up.  ~ Winston…

Slow down, take pleasure in the simple things of life, heal your soul from the wounds caused by the fast pace of society.  ~ Martin Suarez *** Good Day Tushkateers!  How are you on this glorious day; this most magnificent, splendid, spectacular day?  Are you aware of and slowly taking in the changes?  The slow…

We’ve all heard that it’s best to feel them—to fully experience them—rather than stuff them down, bury ‘em deep within.  We’re talking about #Emotions!!! Why?  Because when we suppress our feelings we are simply “trying” to be happy.  And we all know that “trying” doesn’t cut it.  As Yoda so wisely said, ” Do.  Or…

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