“We are what we think.  All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.” ~ Buddha Good Day Tushkateers!!! It suddenly occurred to me that this past week was my “lose it 4ever” anniversary.  Twelve years ago, I changed the trajectory of my life and permanently removed 50 pounds…

Healthy living, for adults or children alike, isn’t just about the foods that we eat.  It’s about being positive, nurturing relationships, and much more. Here, Janice Taylor, Life and Wellness Coach, Weight Loss Expert and Our Lady of Weight Loss, the patron saint of permanent fat removal share thirteen (a baker’s dozen) tips that can…

Wake UP!!!!!!!!! Tushkateers!  Guess what I did this morning, first thing?  Yes, I Woke UP!  HA!!!  Seriously Tushkateers, I woke up on the right side of bed.  I jumped out of bed (slight exaggeration), made my way to my office (groggilly, coffee in hand), and then…(drum roll please)…I noticed and appreciated the clutter-free windowsill (major…

As a Life Coach and Weight Loss Success Coach, I see, hear and feel people judging themselves and others consistently, continually, constantly, relentlessly in negative, unfair and harmful ways.  #Judgment, Oy! Take heed:  If you want to permanently let go of, rid thyself of your excess weight, lose weight, slim down (call it whatever you…

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