Our Lady of Weight Loss and I had a meeting of the creative minds last night and decided that we would, once again, write out our favorite Thanksgiving quotes on pretty strips of paper and sprinkle them across the Thanksgiving dinner table. Not only do the quotes provide inspiration, but they also serve as brilliant,…

Tushkateers!    How’s your Thanksgiving Mental Health hanging?   Things have been pretty calm around here.  No fuss about Thanksgiving; no big concerns about the holidaze glaze until this past week.  I spoke with several coaching clients, all of whom were beginning to wonder how they are going to make it through, unscathed! Interestingly enough, people…

A most excellent “Coach Yourself Happy” question from Janice Taylor, Life & Happiness Coach, Weight Loss Expert (that’s me) to kick start this kick tush week:   If you were to “Delight in All Aspects of Creation,” which creations would you specifically delight in that you would not ordinarily take delight in? As you click through…

People say that the one thing that is getting in their way of weighing less; one thing that they just didn’t have enough of is #Time. “I don’t have the time to go to the store and pick up fruits and vegetables.” “I don’t have the time to exercise.”  “I don’t have the time to…

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