The first coach-yourself-happy question of the day I’d like to pose – is “What 6 things bring joy to your heart, a sense of satisfaction to your soul and energy to your body?”  In other words, “What 6 things can I do today that will boost my energy and keep happiness and hope alive?” Seriously,…

Never let life impede on your ability to manifest your dreams.  Dig deeper into your dreams and deeper into yourself and believe that anything is possible, and make it happen. ~ Corin Nemec Tip #5: Manifesting Dreams: A Side of Light Heartedness with a Pinch of Salt Good Day Tushkateers!!! How’s your manifesting going?  (Referencing…

Dearest Devotees of Our Lady of Weight Loss, Tushkateers, and all who have divinely landed on this page, I urge you to NOT wait until January to lose weight!  There’s something about the crisp cool fall air that shouts, “Start now!” To help you get started, click here for 9 Platters Full of Autumn Weight…

The Journal of the American Medical Association tells us that writing about stressful situations, stressful life events, even the stressors of daily living helps to reduce symptoms of asthma and rheumatoid arthritis. This is just one study in a growing body of evidence that shows the mental and emotional health are linked to physical well-being.…

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