The ‘burning bush’ was not a miracle. It was a test. God wanted to find out if Moses could pay attention to something for more than a few minutes. When Moses did, God spoke. The trick is to pay attention to what is going on around you long enough to behold the miracle without falling…

Further my yesterday’s post, “3 Steps to Waking Up Happy,” here today a dozen “morning” quotes that can serve as morning affirmations, as well. Wash your mind with these magically filled, precious morning gems that can help you to tap into the goodness and possibility that this morning and every morning has to offer. Start…

Would you like to wake up happy?  Here, from Our Lady of Weight Loss, the patron saint of weightlessness, shares 3-steps to a happy morning! Did you know that your mind is 25 times more open to suggestion when you first wake up in the morning?  It’s true!  In those first moments, when you first…

Greetings!  Get thy May Pole out of storage, Tushkateers!  May Day is swiftly upon us.  It is time to grab hold of the ribbon and dance! Yes?!  It may be well worth the effort.  Not just for the sheer joy of it, but also because of the May Pole dancer’s ability to burn calories!!!  If…

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