Have you seen the very brilliant, gone viral, new Dove commercial entitled, “Dove Real Beauty Sketches?”  #WeAreBeautiful The commercial did an amazing job of illustrating that your every day woman perceives herself as less attractive than she is (even ugly).  And, yes, the women that they interviewed and sketched were, in fact, prettier than they…

Recently, I was speaking with a client who was very (very!) upset! “I weighed 170 last week,” she said,  “and this morning, I weighed 173.”   Apparently, she had what she considered to be a horrific week and for a myriad of most excellent reasons; mind-twisting, life and death reasons, she ate and ate some more…

We are all wonderful, beautiful wrecks.  That’s what connects us—that we’re all broken, all beautifully imperfect.  ~ Emilio Estevez Greetings, Salutations, Howdy and Hola Tushkateers, How are y’all doin’ this fabulous day?  Feeling accepting and happy with your SELF?   Based on emails that I received from Tushkateers across the land and a few conversations I’ve…

Today’s Get Jiggy Weight Loss JigSaw Puzzle, “Earth Day Buddha,” celebrates Earth Day, an environmental movement that began in 1970. This movement was designed to bring awareness to the importance of taking care of our Earth.  Earth Day led to the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency,  and the passage of the Clean Air, Clean…

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