I've got some shocking and sweet news for you! Sweet potatoes do not belong to the potato family. The sweet potato is a relative of the Morning Glory (Ipomoea Batatas), and its nutritional makeup is quite different than the white potato. Take a look and then 'fry' up some sweet potato steaks.

Greg Voisen host of Inside Personal Growth gets the skinny on permanent fat removal from no other than Our Lady of Weight Loss and Janice Taylor, she who permanently removed over 50 pounds. If you are in need of motivation, information and laughs, read on!

Be forewarned!!! Orange is a stimulant. It stimulates emotions, thoughts, conversation and even appetite. With Halloween upon us and its pumpkins piled high at every green market, perched on every doorstep, along with those mountains of haunting little orange devils called candy corn found at every turn of the supermarket, it's no wonder we're in…

Studies in the US show that pumpkin seeds may help reduce hormone damage to the prostate, which in turn lessens the risk of developing prostate cancer. They've been used in certain areas of Europe to treat learning disorders. In China, pumpkin seeds are used to ward off depression, and pumpkin seed oil has been used…

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